Software technology sector is growing rapidly in recent years. If you have used a smart phone (smartphone) or log on to a computer at least once in the past few years, you may recognize this.
So, programming skills are so crucial, and the work involved in programming are often better paid than the average salary of other carriers. In the tech world, the more you know a programming language, the more employer appreciate you.
There are so many programming language in the different sectors. Financial systems and enterprises have to deal with many complex functions, so they need programmers know programming languages like: Java, C#. With entertainment media, website design and software, they need flexible language, less code such as: Ruby, PHP, JavaScript và Objective-C.
And these are a list of 10 Programming Languages Programmers should learn in 2016.
1. Java
Java is one the most wanted programming languages. It's the standard for businesses' software, websites, games, mobile applications, and Android operating system. Java is created to work on many foundations, this means that an application is written on Mac OS X also can work on Windows.
2. C
C is versatile programming language. It was developed from early of 1970s. It also is the oldest and most popular language. The C language supplies the basic functions to support the other popular programming languages, suc as: C#, Java, JavaScript and Python. C is almost used to build operating systems and embed applications
So, it's better if you learn C (or C++) before learning another language.
3. C++
C++ is built to expand C language at the beginning time. C++ is to build the famous softwares like Firefox, Winamp and Adobe. It's usually used to build system softwares, application softwares, client-server applications model requiring high processing capabilities and video games
4. C#
C # (C-sharp) is developed by Microsoft as part of their original library - .NET. Combining the principles from C and C ++, C # becomes a versatile language. It is used to develop softwares which run on Window operating system (Microsoft technology)
5. Objective-C
Objective-C is a versatile programming language and object-oriented. It is used by the Apple operating system. Objective-C creates the power for operating systems such as Apple OS X and iOS, as well as the application programming interface (APIs) other, and it can be used to write applications for iPhone. Currently there is a huge recruitment demand of this language which is considered as an "out-of-date" programming language.
6. PHP
PHP (Hypertext Processor) is a free scripting language that runs on a server. It is created to develop dynamic web pages and applications on the web. It can be embedded to mix into HTML code directly rather than the other file. This is the reason why PHP is so popular in the world of website programming. Currently, PHP has been used for more than 200 million websites including Wordpress, Digg and Facebook.
7. Python
Python is a high level scripting language that runs on server environmentally to develop websites and applications for mobile devices. It's considered as a clear and easy language to learn for beginners because of the short, easy understanding syntax. That means programmers can write a few lines of code to execute a function rather than using other languages. Python is used to build the popular websites, such as: Instagram, Pinterest and Rdio via framwork combined with Django. It's also used by Google, Yahoo and NASA.
8. Ruby
Ruby is a dynamic scripting language and object-oriented development for web pages and applications for mobile devices. It is used to build the famous framework: Ruby on Rails (Rails). This framework is to build web pages, such as: Scribd, Github, Groupon and Shopify. Like Python language, Ruby is considered as the language with clear syntax and so suitable for the beginners.
9. JavaScript
JavaScript is a scripting language that runs on the client. It is developed by Netscape, and has syntax stems from Clanguage. It can run on a wide variety of different browsers and is considered as an important essential factor to develop interactive features and the effect on the web. In additional, it can also be used to develop games and applications on the desktop. Currently, JavaScript interpreter is embedded in the Google Chrome browser's extensions, Apple's Safari browser, Adobe Acrobat and Reader and Adobe's Creative Suite.
10. SQL
SQL (Structured Query Language) i a special language. It is to manage data in relational database management system. It's almost used for "query" function, this means to search information in database. SQL has been standardized by ANSI (American National Standards Institute) and ISO (International Organization for Standardization) in 1980.
Make a plan to learn some languages in next year to enhance yourself ;)
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